Thursday, December 31, 2009

Jack Bauer interrogates Santa

This is so actually fires me up for the next season of 24!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bible Stories Told via Google Earth

The Crucifixion.


The parting of the Red Sea.

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Noah's Ark.

via: uphaa

Breaking News: Recently found artifacts reveal an earlier civilization

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Nations of the World

The Nations Of The World

If there was a song for everything, I would've gotten lerned way better!


Classic Vader Vids

The Internet. & Our Need for Community

It's amazing to see how far technology has come...

Also...It's interesting to hear the comments about a persons longing and desire for "connectivity"...and "community". I couldn't agree more! The Internet has been so successful BECAUSE everyone identifies with the need for relationships!

Guess what?!?! That's HOW we were created! Yes, CREATED! We were made for relationship...with GOD and with others.

That's why I love the Church! And THAT'S why being connected to a church HAS to be our priority!

Is it for you? Why or why not?

Today, I got fired.

Today, I got fired.

Actually, a more accurate way to put it would be: Today, I fired myself. This isn’t the first time I’ve had to do this…and it probably won’t be the last.

I continually find myself employed by this thing called pride…hired on to manage peoples perceptions of me. It’s never ending, grueling work with a horrible salary and zero benefits. Yet I can’t seem to avoid its allure.
Being a people-pleaser has been, for most of my life, a part-time job. I can’t believe how many precious minutes of my life have been spent trying to please others, trying to fit in, and trying to be seen as someone who “gets it”…whatever “it” is.

The truth is, the harder I try to constantly maintain my image to the people around me…the more I’m really just slaving away in a dead-end job.
The more time I spend trying to manage the perception that others have of me…the more I stay stuck.

-Stuck in old habits.
-Stuck in old patterns.
-Stuck in the same routines.

Why? Well, because they work.
How do I know? Well, people seem to like me, accept me, and look up to me. Why would I want to change that?

Well, if my purpose was to merely appease and pacify people, then there would be no reason to change…no reason to fire myself.

But I know and am convinced that 1) I ultimately CAN’T please people and 2) I wasn’t CALLED to. My calling in this life is fixed in pleasing God, which only through Christ is possible, and leaves zilch room for my “pride factory” and people-pleasing tendencies. Living out this calling has implications.

It means:
-Saying the hard thing to someone, even if it puts our friendship at odds.
-Doing the hard, unpopular thing because it’s right.

It also means:
-Being willing to receive admonishing words from a mentor, even if it hurts.
-Being vulnerable and allow people I trust to speak into my life, even if it’s uncomfortable.

Living out the Christ-centered calling God has placed on my life won’t always bring comfort and popularity, but will always produce completeness and fulfillment.

Stop slaving away for your pride. Stop living your life to merely keep people liking you. You were called for something greater than yourself!

Pride doesn’t pay. Fire yourself.
