Monday, February 7, 2011

Everything is a Remix

Everything is a Remix Part 2 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

I'm assuming the same thing could be said about music.

It's seems like it's a default human response to HAVE TO compare new music with something old or familiar.

Yes, I do it all the time. You know how it goes, right? Someone will say, "Dude, check out this new band!" And as soon as you start listening to it, the computer in your head starts throwing together every possible combination.

Then you get to say, "This sounds like a mix between (band #1) and (band #2)"

Your friend doesn't agree...which is fine...BUT, something deep inside you really wants them to!

Sooo, you throw in the analogy: "If (band #1) and (band #2) had babies, they'd sound like this."

And on and on it goes.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Make War!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Christless Christianity

"Scripture is of no use to us if we read it merely as a handbook for daily living without recognizing that its principle purpose is to reveal Jesus Christ and his gospel for the salvation of sinners.

All Scripture coalesces in Christ, anticipated in the OT and appearing in the flesh in the NT. In Scripture, God issues commands and threatens judgment for transgressors as well as direction for the lives of his people. Yet the greatest treasure buried in the Scriptures is the good news of the promised Messiah.

Everything in the Bible that tells us what to DO is “law”, and everything in the Bible that tells us what God has DONE in Christ to save us is “gospel.” Much like medieval piety, the emphasis in much Christian teaching today is on what we are to do without adequate grounding in the good news of what God has done for us in Christ.

“What would Jesus do?” becomes more important than “What has Jesus done?”

The gospel, however, is not just something we needed at conversion so we can spend the rest of our Christian life obsessed with performance; it is something we need every day–the only source of our sanctification as well as our justification.

The law guides, but only the gospel gives.

We are declared righteous–justified–not by anything that happens within us or done by us, but solely by God’s act of crediting us with Christ’s perfect righteousness through faith alone."